After completing this course I must say that I have managed to achieve some levels of the NET standard two for teachers. I started off at the basic level with respect to technology and I must admit I was even a little scared in the beginning to embrace the most advanced level. However during this course I have learnt how to give assignments, projects, homework, and grade my students online using a grade book. I have mastered how to place information on Microsoft excel to allow the computer to give me the end result by using formulas and I have created a graph to show this information in a statistical way. I even learnt how to give my students major assignments on the web through internet workshop, spontaneous projects and web quest and I learnt how to write a news letter, make post cards etc using Microsoft publisher, before I never even knew it existed. Most importantly I created my own blog website which is very exciting because I created it and the list goes on. Some of the things I had an idea how to do but this class refined it. It was not easy but I did it and I am proud. Technology does not only benefit the students it also benefits the teacher it makes the teacher’s job much easier wants’ they know what to do because the technology does most of the work for you which is the reward for teachers. For students it gives them option on different ways to do one thing. It’s more efficient for targeting the different learners and they do need it for real life so they might as well know what the best way to use it is. I have Facilitate and Inspire Student Learning and Creativity by using the internet strategies, Design and Develop Digital-Age Learning Experiences and Assessment by using the grade book, Model Digital-Age Work and Learning with the Microsoft excel, Promote and Model Digital Citizenship and Responsibility with the AUP and Internet safety plan, and Engage in Professional Growth and Leadership by engaging in all these activities.