Lesson Plan
Learners- 12 students
Age -8-10 YRS 
 Grade Level- Standard two
 Content Area Entry Skills/Prerequisite Knowledge-
·         students already know when Christmas is celebrated and what a post card looks like.
Technology Prerequisite Skills-
·         students exhibit a positive attitude toward using technology that supports collaboration, learning, and productivity Students have access to each classmates email.
·         Students can collaborate with group members  to produce original works

ii.         The Lesson
•           Lesson Title- CHRISTMAS
•           Subject Area- Social Studies
•           Student Technology Standards for each Lesson-
·         apply existing knowledge to generate new ideas, products, or processes
·         Understand and use technology system.
STRATEGY: direct strategy, indirect and LEA strategy
    Objectives: from a PowerPoint and video students would be able to;
·         Create a post card about Christmas.
·          Write in their own words the true meaning of Christmas in one paragraph.
·         State three things they like about Christmas from past experiences.

•           Lesson Technologies, Resources, and Materials
                          Teacher Technologies and Resources (books, websites, CD’s videos)
·         Video: a video about the reason for Christmas
·         PowerPoint: information about Christmas such what it is all about and it has a step by step procedure and how to make a card.

             Student Technologies and Resources (books, websites, CD’s videos)
·         Email- students would use email their email at home to discuss the importance of Christmas with peers.
·         Paper- Write in their own words the true meaning of Christmas in one paragraph and State three things they like about Christmas from past experiences.

  Materials & Supplies (markers, paint, paint brushes, etc)
·         Hard paper- for students to make the post card with

·         Makers, crayons, pencils, glitter dust etc- would be provided for students to make the post card.


           Lesson Description
I would start by showing the students a video about the importance of Christmas. I would then ask the m some follow up questions on the video and also questions about Christmas. I would then show them information about Christmas on a PowerPoint and tell them that today we are going to make a Christmas post card. I would then show them the step by step procedure to make a Christmas post card.
·         Using the steps from the power point students would make a Christmas postcards. They would be given a hard paper and told to fold it in half. They would then decide how the cover of the postcard would look like. Inside the post card they could write something like merry Christmas to all and to all have a happy new year, or we celebrate Jesus Christ birth on Christmas Day. Students could then finish decorating their Christmas however they want. They would also have to email their classmates and talk about the importance of Christmas.

CLOSURE: review what was done in the lesson