Acceptable Use Policy

AUP stands for acceptable use policy. AUP are rules set by the owner/ manager of a network. These documents are used by corporations, business, university, schools, internet service providers and website owners to prevent legal actions.

1.      Please turn off all sound from application or use a headphone.
2.      Do not use abusive verbal communication in message to others. Be as friendly as possible.
3.      No illegal activity online.
4.      No bikes, roller blade, scooter etc in class.
5.      No sexual explicit material or obscenity what so ever.
6.       Users must sign in as they enter and there should be no food near computers.
7.      Only staff members can upload software on computer.
8.      Piracy is not permitted.
9.      Chat room services are not permitted unless told otherwise.
10.  Any attempt to hurt other peoples data such as computer viruses is not permitted.
I understand that any violation of the regulations above may cause my access privileges to be revoked and may result in appropriate legal action against me. I therefore understand and will abide by this Acceptable Use Policy.
User's Full Name: _____________________________
User Signature: _________________________Date: _______________
I have read the Internet Use Agreement and agree to promote THIS agreement with the student. As the sponsoring teacher I do agree to instruct the student on acceptable use of the network and proper network etiquette.
Teacher's Name (please print): _________________________________
Teacher's Signature: _________________________________________