Lesson plan 2 (extended family)
Lesson Plan 2Learners- 12 students
Age -8-10 YRS
Grade Level- Standard twoContent Area Entry Skills/Prerequisite Knowledge-
· Students know what a family is.
· They know what a nuclear and single parent family is.
Technology Prerequisite Skills-
· students exhibit a positive attitude toward using technology that supports collaboration, learning, and productivity Students have access to each classmates email.
· Students can collaborate with group members to produce original works
ii. The Lesson
• Lesson Title- the family (extended family)
• Subject Area- Social Studies• Student Technology Standards for each Lesson-
· apply existing knowledge to generate new ideas, products, or processes
· Understand and use technology system.
· interact, collaborate, and publish with peers, experts, or others employing a variety of digital environments and media.
STRATEGY: direct strategy, indirect and LEA strategy
Objectives: at the end of the lesson students would be able to;
· After watching a video explain what a extended family is giving one example. (cognitive)
· Identify positive signs of love and caring present in his/her family. (affective)
· Draw their family tree that represents either a nuclear, single or extended family. (psychomotor)
• Lesson Technologies, Resources, and Materials
Teacher Technologies and Resources (books, websites, CD’s videos)
· Video- students would watch a video on extended family http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dH5RTW0gh30&feature=related
· Projector- would be used to show video
· Computer- use to facilitate the projector.
- Video- extended family video.
· Chart- would have a definition of extended family. The second chart with a extended family plan tree
· Who am I- oral questions given to students based on the nuclear, single and extended family
- Paper-students would individually draw their family tree and present it in front of the class in groups
Student Technologies and Resources (books, websites, CD’s videos)
· Email- students would use email their email at home to discuss with peers extended family
· Paper- in peers students would be given a paper to draw their family tree.
Materials & Supplies (markers, paint, paint brushes, etc)
· Video- the students would watch a video on extended family in the beginning of the lesson they would then have to answer questions based on the video.
· Projector- this would be used to show the video of the extended family. It would help all the students to be able to see the video.
· Computer- use to facilitate the projector.
· Chart- there would be two charts the first chart would have the definition of extended family along with an example ( mother, father, sister, brother, cousin, grandparents)
· Who am I- this would be interesting fun questions based on the nuclear, single and extended family. Students would be asked oral questions and they would have to respond orally this would test their cognitive ability.
- Paper- this would be given to students to draw their individual family tree. This would indicate if students understand the family they are living with whether it is a single, nuclear or extended family they are living with. Students would be able to present their family tree in front of the class.
- Email- for homework students would email their classmates and discuss what is a sinle, nuclear and extended family.
Lesson Description
I would start by asking questions based on the previous lessons which would be on nuclear and single parent family. I would then show them a video on extended family. Then I would ask questions based on the video, they would then read the definition of a extended family and I would show them an extended family tree and show them the previous family trees for the activity in which all of them have to draw their own family tree. We would then discuss some positive signs of love and caring present in his/her family; I would ask students what they think are some ways of showing your family that you love them? I would then ask them what are some ways your family show you that they love and care about you. After we have that discussion I would then ask them some oral who am I questions on single, nuclear and extended family. For home work students would email each other and discuss the types of families.
· Students would draw their family tree. This family tree would represent their individual family and students would name the family tree whether it is a single, nuclear or extended family tree.
· Students would present their family tree in groups. In groups of three students would stand up in front of the class and one person at a time would show the class their family tree and tell the class about it
CLOSURE: review what was done on extended family.