Age -8 YRS
Grade Level- Standard 1
Content Area Entry Skills -
Prerequisite Knowledge-
· students already know what a noun is.
· Students know what a masculine gender noun is.
Technology Prerequisite Skills-
· Students can Identify, research, and collect data using digital resource.
· Students have access to each classmates email.
· Students can collaborate with group members to present home work assignment with the use of digital presentation.
ii. The Lesson
• Lesson Title- Feminine Gender Noun
• Subject Area- Noun• Student Technology Standards for each Lesson-
· apply existing knowledge to generate new ideas, products, or processes
· Understand and use technology system.
· interact, collaborate, and publish with peers, experts, or others employing a variety of digital environments and media.
STRATEGY: direct strategy, indirect and LEA strategy
· From memory explain what is a feminine gender noun giving at least five examples. (cognitive)
· Using a worksheet identify feminine gender nouns in ten questions. (cognitive)
· With the use of email have a discussion with peers on feminine gender noun using at least three examples . (affective)
· In peers use a given paper to draw a feminine gender noun.(psychomotor)
• Lesson Technologies, Resources, and Materials
Teacher Technologies and Resources (books, websites, CD’s videos)
Worksheet- . students would be given a worksheet to answer question on feminine gender noun after the lesson.
Projector- most of the information would be presented on a projector example what a feminine noun is etc
Computer- use to facilitate the projector.
Student Technologies and Resources (books, websites, CD’s videos)
· Video- For home work students would look up gender noun on this web site
· Books- students would find feminine gender books in the library at school and read it.
· Email- students would use email their email at home to discuss with peers feminine gender noun.
· Paper- in peers students would be given a paper to draw a feminine gender noun.
Materials & Supplies (markers, paint, paint brushes, etc)
· Worksheet- this worksheet would have two columns a feminine and masculine column and some feminine and masculine gender noun words in which the students have to place in the right columns. They would also have to choose words from a word bank to the corresponding opposite gender noun.
· Projector- the projector would have a definition of feminine noun and also examples of a feminine example girl, mother, queen etc along with pictures. It would also have masculine gender noun and the corresponding feminine nouns.
· Computer- use to facilitate the projector.
· Video- at home students would look up the given video on u tube about feminine and masculine nouns.
· Books- students would have to go to the library in the school and look at books related to feminine gender noun.
· Email- after reading the books students can use their email to discuss the book they read and what was taught in school.
Lesson Description
The lesson begins by first reviewing what we did in masculine gender noun and I will then show them a picture of a girl on the projector and ask them what do they see. After they told me I would do this for seven other pictures of feminine gender characters. After I showed them the pictures and asked them what they have seen. I will ask them what do they think I would be teaching today, after they answer I would tell them that today I would be doing feminine gender noun. Using the projector I will then let them read the meaning of feminine gender noun with me twice. I will then do a coral speaking from the meaning that I just read with them on feminine gender noun. I would say it twice and then they would say it with me. I would then place them in peers. Each person would have their own paper in there pair groups. They would have to decide what feminine gender noun they would draw together example their sister or mother etc.
· Students would then be given fifteen minutes in which they would go to the library at school and choose books on feminine gender noun and read it they would then come back to class and when they reach home use the email to discuss the books that they read with classmates.
· Students would be given a worksheet in which they have to answer in class
CLOSURE: review what was done on feminine gender nouns